This year we really wanted to carve pumpkins but we wanted to get some pumpkins at a pumpkin patch. We heard that Staheli Farms had one so we headed on out there. We procrastinated and waited until the weekend before Halloween so it was pretty picked over but that did not stop us from having fun! They drive you out to the patch in a little trailer thing on the back of a tractor. A lot of the pumpkins were green so I thought it would be fun to get one of those to carve. Since we went on a Friday night they also had live music, food and toys for the kids and we got to pet the animals too!
There is a big cementer pavilion where the music was and Claire loved going out and shaking her booty in the middle of the dance floor. She loved the swing set there too. We had a lot of fun will definiately make it a tradition!
The next night we invited some friends over to carve the pumpkins and had a lot of fun! They turned out so good! We we were so proud. And we only had one injury the whole night! Our friend Seth cut his hand and had to get eight stitches!! Carving pumpkins and no easy task, they are dangerous! He was pretty tough though and acted like it was no big deal and kept on carving his pumpkin!