HO HO HO!!Once we got a little settled in our house we got into our regular Christmas traditions. We went over to Trevor's parents for dinner on Christmas eve and played a few games, then we headed to my parents for more games and prizes! We won some fun little gifts at the McMullin family bingo game and Claire had fun playing with all of her cousins, especially her best buddy Cooper! Cooper is Jillian's little boy. Jillian saved my life the last few weeks of school by watching Claire everyday! Claire loved going over there and playing with her kids. Now Cooper always wants to see her and when he does he always has some kisses and hugs for her :) Even when she was not going for the kisses he made sure she got them ha!
After we left my parents on Christmas eve we put Claire in her Chrsitmas PJs and sent her to bed. Then I hurried and put up our Christmas tree and wrapped Claire's presents. I was procrastinating a little....Trevor got me a HOUSE for Christmas ha and I did not get him anything because we bought a HOUSE! We did not get Claire very much but we had a few presents under the tree for her. When she woke up we started with her stocking. Bad idea. She did not want her stocking! Once she realized that there was an orange in the bottom of the stocking, she LOVED it! She played with her orange forever! I should have wrapped the whole box of oranges I bought. She carried it around everywhere with her. After she finished opening her presents we went to Trev's parents and got even more presents! We got lots of fun stuff including a littl stroller for Claire's baby and towels with our names embroidered on them (nessy even got one...spoiled) Then we went to my parents and got even more presents! (ok we are spoiled too not just nessy). One of Claire's favorite presents was her pillow pet she got from uncle Graham! She kept face diving into it on the ground and she carries it everywhere with her.
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