Sunday, August 5, 2012

Birthday Boy

You've had a birthday shout hoorayyy!!! Another year has come and gone and Trevor is just getting older... I think I was more excited for his birthday this year than he was, and Claire was more excited than me! I took Claire to the store to pick out some decorations and of course she wanted EVERYTHING. We settled for some streamers, balloons and of course she had to get daddy a blue party hat. She tried to help me blow up all the balloons (so it too twice as long and every balloon was a slobbery mess by the time it got to me) and she helped with taping up the streamers.
We made him walk through this to get into the house from the garage... He got some fun stuff that he had been wanting for awhile and that he needed... Claire and I got him a pro fitted hat, some new cologne and a Nike Fuel band.
He also got some giftcards from family that he used the very next day! We were able to go out to dinner and a movie that night thanks to Trevor's awesome sister! Overall, I think the day was a success!

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